A few days ago I asked people on twitter if I should write a new blog - it has been a long time since I have taken the time to sit down and just write. I received an encouraging "yes" from some of the best people I know and so. . . here I go.
Tonight I updated my facebook status -
"People will come and people will go, but you never can anticipate WHO will walk into your life - nor WHEN they walk into it. Let go of "your plans" and stop trying to control your life, just let God do His thing! He will impress you. I can promise you that." ( https://www.facebook.com/laura.klima.14 )
People always say "when you meet the right person - you just know." For a while I believed that. I just knew when I met him I'd know right away. It'd be this magical moment where I would see him, he'd come over and strike up this wonderful conversation and I would walk away saying to myself "that man will make me his wife someday." That is the dream moment. That is the moment we all dream of having and await it with constant anticipation. . .for that moment when you just know.
Reality check: that moment might not ever happen. And guess what. . . that is OKAY. Life is not this perfect dream we have envisioned for ourselves. But maybe our dream is the one that is off kilter? Maybe it is our dream that we find so ideal and perfect is actually just the opposite. Maybe the dream you have always had is, in fact, imperfect.
Our whole lives we grow up being told:
- "there is someone perfect just for you!"
- "there are lots of starfish in the sea"
- "just be patient your mr./mrs.perfect will come around soon enough."
- "when you meet him/her. . .you will just know"
But what if what you thought you wanted or needed is completely different than what God wants and knows you need for your life? Or. . .What if you change? What if you grow up a little more, suffer a tragedy and get molded into a completely different person? Your dream person alters because your life has altered. Whatever it is that you used to want is probably not what you want nor what you need NOW. (Confusing? Re-read it then continue.)
Your version of Mr. Perfect is not my version of Mr. Perfect. Your idea of how your love story should go - is probably FAR from how it WILL go. And guess what? That is OKAY. I have learned many times that your struggles and trials turn into someone's HOPE. You get to use your history to help write someone else's future.
To be honest, my version of perfect is possibly the most imperfect form of perfection.
. . . .does that make any sense? Our perfect little life we had "planned out" doesn't happen. Nothing is perfect. Nobody is perfect. But one man was, is and will always be - God is our perfection. He is the author of our lives, the perfecter of our faith and the only one who knows what tomorrow will bring. He is the one who will bring you your perfect match. Notice, I didn't say your perfect person but He will bring you your perfect match, if you trust and are willing to wait on His timing. If we stop looking, if we stop pretending to be someone we are not, if we take a while and just be OKAY with being alone, if we just live - He will surprise you, my friend.
I am an imperfect person with many flaws. My heart has been broken by those I have trusted the most. My perfect plan has been demolished. My perfect man has been set free - for I know the man God has for me will knock the socks off this "perfect man" I had envisioned. My future man might come in the most opposite package I ever would have thought up. He might be messy. He might have gone through something in life just like I did. He will have a past. We all do. He will have gone through things that will help me write my future story. He will have gone through life facing challenges that, in the end, will help write the perfect ending to his story. He will have made mistakes he wishes he could take back - but I won't let him regret them - they made him who is is. God will use all of our imperfections to help each other - if we allow Him to.
The vision I have for my life is 100% different than what is taking place and what will take place. And guess what. . . life is good. God is so good to those who wait according to His purpose and timing. He will come and alter your perfect plan. He will alter it to His perfect plan - if you just allow him to. Let go of your plan. Let go and let God.
My perfect plan will officially be the most imperfectly perfect plan I could have dreamed of.
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