Saturday, July 21, 2012

Re-excitement of Dating

The re-excitement of dating is what I am missing. Ever since my last relationship I have had a fear of dating. What fears do I have? Why do I have fears? Why fear anything when Jesus is on my side? Well, here we go. . .a little incite into my heart:
What fears: to fall in love again, to fall not only for that person but to fall in love with that persons family, to know someone can break an engagement so easily, to know that a love can be lost, to fear the unknown of what could come, to allow someone into my life again - completely, to give every part of myself to someone, to allow them to become my husband someday especially when I already pictured someone being him.
Why do I have fears: You see, it's all scary. When a relationship becomes more than just "friends" you have to be honest, open and give yourself wholly to that person. When it's time for engagement you have to be ready to say your vows then and there. If you aren't ready, do not get engaged. When I got engaged it was like saying "I-do" right then and there. So, in a way, I almost feel like I got a divorce or my other half died. I no longer have that man in my life - and I have gotten to a place in my life where I am okay with that. I am okay with letting that relationship go and try to get re-excited about a new relationship that the Lord will lead me into.
Why fear anything when Jesus is on my side? The only way I can respond to that question is with an "AMEN!" Hallelujah that Jesus is on my side. He has taught me what I want and what I need in a relationship. He is molding the man right now - that I am suppose to be with. He did not allow that relationship to turn into a marriage because he was saving me from something I could not see yet. I thank Him for that. We have to be thankful for the trials we go through and for the lessons we learn. We have to look back and say thank you so we can move forward with Jesus. We have to communicate with Him. Tell Him what our fears are, why and lay everything at His feet.

So that's where I am at. Waiting patiently for the right man to find me. Waiting for Jesus' timing through it all. I will not try to force something nor will I go into a relationship when I am not "ready". I believe Jesus will tell and show me when I am ready. There will be no fears, no hesitation, just me being re-excited to date someone and allow them into my life.

The photo above was from pintrest - go figure! I clicked on the link and it took me to this website: - 77 Super Fun Date Ideas. This was the first thing that I saw and became re-excited to date.

I see the blessings through my last year - but I still am flabbergasted at the way things turned out. However, hindsight is 20/20 right?! Thank you Jesus for keeping my heart protected.

Laura K

Monday, July 16, 2012

To the man I love most. . .

The man I love most. . .
- has never let me down
- is the only man I can trust with my whole heart
- lead me to my main man Jesus
- works harder than any man I have ever met
- loves his family more than anything and does everything he can for them
- woke me up every Sunday morning for church with breakfast on the table
- shows me what unconditional loves means everyday
- tells me how it is, even when it is hard to hear it
- never gives up
- kneels every morning on a step stool in the living room to pray (I am not sure if he ever knew I saw him)
- takes risks and always tries to right the wrongs
- is Jesus to so many alcoholics, drug-addicts, family members and even the random strangers
- was the one who knelt beside me in the bathroom when I thought my life could not get any worse and prayed with me  - seriously a moment in my life I will never EVER forget and will always be eternally grateful for. It was a moment I did not think I was going to make it through.

The man I love most - is my knight in shining armor.

My Dad has been such an amazing man in my life.  I feel so bad for young women who have not had a strong head of the household to look up to and idolize like I have.  For me, I have had an extreme example of what a hard worker looks like. Someone who puts their family above everything and works hard day after day - to support them.  He has allowed for such an amazing up-bringing. My mom has been able to be a stay-at-home mom since day one of their marriage. He worked that much harder to make sure was able to do that once they started having us kids.  Having her home to talk everyday after school was the only way I knew.  Thinking back, I never understood how thankful I would be for those moments until now. He allowed her to bring us up in a loving, welcoming and open relationship - we would always talk for hours. (Actually, I was the one who talked for hours and she listened! Haha) Watching his unspoken love for us as he works hard to provide - it has been an eye opener. He has shown me the kind of man I will always desire to marry.  All I can say to my future husband is. . . .good luck.

My daddy will always have my whole heart - some other man will just come in and get part of it :)
My dad has never let me down, never cheated on our family, always is there with Godly advice, has been Jesus' voice to me through his guidance, has always supported me and encourages me every step of the way to God's plan for my life.

Thank you, Dad.
I love you so much & thank God for you everyday,
Sunshine <3

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What am I doing and why?

I have been through so much this past year! I figured that I would start this blog and write down my feelings, what I am going through, new ideas and maybe someday develop all of this into a book!  I am looking for any feedback, questions about what I write (yes-you can ask the private ones too!) and to just let my story be an open book for all to read.

I gave up facebook in order to not live in the past, get wrapped up in other people's lives and allow the time on facebook to be replaced with time to reflect on my life and the Lord. So this blog named "Barefoot" can be a simple way that you can stay up to date on  my life!

I named this blog Barefoot because the name "Naked and Barefoot" seemed a little much! The "bare" means to be bare for all to see - nothing to hide.
"Foot" comes from where I have walked and where I am heading.
So Barefoot has a lot of symbolism to me for this blog.
I think that it fits perfectly! What do you think?
*comment below!*

Hope to post many blogs on things like:
-Future Ideas/Plans after graduation
-Influence from others
-Won't give up on Love
-Write a book?
-Why I would like to share my heart with young ladies
-The daily grind!
-Cute little DIY ideas!
-Inspirational Images and quotes

Hope you enjoy and those of you who read - THANKS!