A few days ago I asked people on twitter if I should write a new blog - it has been a long time since I have taken the time to sit down and just write. I received an encouraging "yes" from some of the best people I know and so. . . here I go.
Tonight I updated my facebook status -
"People will come and people will go, but you never can anticipate WHO will walk into your life - nor WHEN they walk into it. Let go of "your plans" and stop trying to control your life, just let God do His thing! He will impress you. I can promise you that." ( https://www.facebook.com/laura.klima.14 )
People always say "when you meet the right person - you just know." For a while I believed that. I just knew when I met him I'd know right away. It'd be this magical moment where I would see him, he'd come over and strike up this wonderful conversation and I would walk away saying to myself "that man will make me his wife someday." That is the dream moment. That is the moment we all dream of having and await it with constant anticipation. . .for that moment when you just know.
Reality check: that moment might not ever happen. And guess what. . . that is OKAY. Life is not this perfect dream we have envisioned for ourselves. But maybe our dream is the one that is off kilter? Maybe it is our dream that we find so ideal and perfect is actually just the opposite. Maybe the dream you have always had is, in fact, imperfect.
Our whole lives we grow up being told:
- "there is someone perfect just for you!"
- "there are lots of starfish in the sea"
- "just be patient your mr./mrs.perfect will come around soon enough."
- "when you meet him/her. . .you will just know"
But what if what you thought you wanted or needed is completely different than what God wants and knows you need for your life? Or. . .What if you change? What if you grow up a little more, suffer a tragedy and get molded into a completely different person? Your dream person alters because your life has altered. Whatever it is that you used to want is probably not what you want nor what you need NOW. (Confusing? Re-read it then continue.)
Your version of Mr. Perfect is not my version of Mr. Perfect. Your idea of how your love story should go - is probably FAR from how it WILL go. And guess what? That is OKAY. I have learned many times that your struggles and trials turn into someone's HOPE. You get to use your history to help write someone else's future.
To be honest, my version of perfect is possibly the most imperfect form of perfection.
. . . .does that make any sense? Our perfect little life we had "planned out" doesn't happen. Nothing is perfect. Nobody is perfect. But one man was, is and will always be - God is our perfection. He is the author of our lives, the perfecter of our faith and the only one who knows what tomorrow will bring. He is the one who will bring you your perfect match. Notice, I didn't say your perfect person but He will bring you your perfect match, if you trust and are willing to wait on His timing. If we stop looking, if we stop pretending to be someone we are not, if we take a while and just be OKAY with being alone, if we just live - He will surprise you, my friend.
I am an imperfect person with many flaws. My heart has been broken by those I have trusted the most. My perfect plan has been demolished. My perfect man has been set free - for I know the man God has for me will knock the socks off this "perfect man" I had envisioned. My future man might come in the most opposite package I ever would have thought up. He might be messy. He might have gone through something in life just like I did. He will have a past. We all do. He will have gone through things that will help me write my future story. He will have gone through life facing challenges that, in the end, will help write the perfect ending to his story. He will have made mistakes he wishes he could take back - but I won't let him regret them - they made him who is is. God will use all of our imperfections to help each other - if we allow Him to.
The vision I have for my life is 100% different than what is taking place and what will take place. And guess what. . . life is good. God is so good to those who wait according to His purpose and timing. He will come and alter your perfect plan. He will alter it to His perfect plan - if you just allow him to. Let go of your plan. Let go and let God.
My perfect plan will officially be the most imperfectly perfect plan I could have dreamed of.
Bold and Barefoot
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Beauty in the Broken
Just take a moment. Think of the worst thing that you have ever been through. The absolute worst. Whether you are the only one that knows what happened, or everyone knows what happened....think about it. Is it really the worst thing that's happened?
I really want you to think of THE worst thing EVER in your LIFE.
I'm 24 years old. I know I have a LOT of life to live. Life that I feel is going to be beautiful. I say that as tears well up in my eyes due to all the beauty that has come out of my brokenness. The thing is...most everyone who is close to me knows where I have been. They know the story. They saw the beautiful life I had waiting ahead of me as I watched the dream be crumbled right in front of my eyes. Each day got worse, each hour was harder and every cherished moment suddenly was vanishing before me - I suddenly could not see the dream I felt God had created for my life.
THAT was the WORST thing I have ever been through. Hands down. In 24 years-that is the worst.
Guess what?! You know where I have been and God knew I was strong enough to go through it all. Now, re-read that....You know where I have been and God knew I was strong enough to go through it all. Wow. Overwhelming feelings immediately run over me.
I knew God was with me during my struggles for those months. I was stronger than ever during the "hard time". Persevering in my faith through prayer was the only thing that kept me alive, motivated and hopeful. However...what came after being broken is what stands out to me. . . .
This has been the "hardest" part for me. What happens when the hard time is over and done with? You should breath a sigh of relief, right?!?! You have finished your last prayer and you say "I am done with that. I am moving on. Help me move on." Let me tell you - this is exactly the hardest part of the hard part in life.
Do not be like me and let the fact you are upset affect every part of your life. Do not...may I repeat...do NOT punish yourself for something that was completely out of your/our control. Do not stand by and let life just happen. You loose time. It goes by quickly. You only have one life to live. Live it.
Let the Potter begin his process. We have to surrender. We have to say...Lord
I am in a million different pieces and I do not know which piece to pick up first.
Should I..."renew my relationships? Try harder at finding the one? Find a new job? Pack up and move away? Leave this situation entirely? Cut off that friendship? Never speak of that hard time again? How do I move on?! How do I forgive myself for letting so much time get away? How will I ever recover from this? I can't see my future anymore."
Isaiah 64:8 "Father, you are the Potter, I am the clay - mold me into Your creation." Once we have been formed into this beautiful person and have suddenly been thrown to the ground and shattered into a million pieces...it is okay to not know which piece to pick up first. Trust me, I had no idea...I still am not sure of where my life is going...but!
There is BEAUTY IN THE BROKEN...we have to turn to God and ask HIM to rework us. Remold us. Become the clay again for Him to mold into a new person/a WHOLE person. We will never be the same because you can NEVER duplicate something exactly like it was. However, second chances are beautiful. We get to start over. We get to move on. Our second chance is to start over and move on. It may not be the dream we had envisioned in the beginning....but God promises us that if we are faithful to Him - He will be faithful to us.
Let the brokenness be beautiful in your life. Do not only be strong DURING the hard time. Do not only be TOUGH when it is time to get over something. Let what you do after you have been broken...shattered to pieces on the floor....be the part where you start to work even harder.
You get to start over. Let the brokenness be beautiful by showing off what you become after "the hardest thing you've ever been through."
LOVE to you all...<3
Friday, November 30, 2012
Moving on. . . it is a CHOICE
Someone always has something to say when it comes to moving on past a relationship.
"You deserve better" "quit looking back at the past!" "You'll be better off without them" "in the end you will see it is a blessing you are not together." - We probably have heard some version or another of these phrases.
They are all great advice if given at the right time. However, it is up to the individual to either cling to the past or understand there is a future and life does go on. . .
When you were younger it seemed like the world was ending if your best friend didn't sit by you at lunch, Or the boy you had a crush on played footsie with a different girl, Or in high school, you thought your world was ending when the person who consistently hurt you was viewed as the coolest person in school. We have all been in some type of situation that we thought that it was the worst thing ever! Following the hurt usually comes something told to us by a loved one to make us feel better.
......what I have learned: You can not force someone to feel better. It is a choice. Each and every day. When you roll out of bed, it is a choice to have a good day or a bad day.
You have a choice to decide who is in your life and who is not.
You have a choice to make a difference.
You have a choice to decide what you are going to do with yourself that day whether it is to be a lazy bum or a work-aholic in school, work or gym.
You have a choice to acknowledge everyday why you are better off with out that person in your life....
......it is your choice.
This photo I think pretty much sums it up what I am trying to say:
Amen little photo. Amen. You can not move on, or expect yourself to be ready to move on to the next chapter of your life if you are consistently reminiscing in the past. If you are constantly comparing old to new and never letting anything new completely into your life-you won't ever learn of anything different than what let you down in the first place. It is like picking a scab. You have to decide to stop picking at it so it can heal - or keep picking at it and always have a sore.
The mumbo-jumbo about being "scared" and "having trust issues" is a crazy. We all are scared. We ALL have trust issues. That's the kind of sick world we live in. It is sad, but something we must come to terms with. We have ALL been hurt whether it is because you have never felt good enough about yourself because you have NEVER been in a relationship OR if you have been in twenty relationships and every other person cheated on you OR if you thought someone was "THE ONE" and they turn out not to be....we have all been hurt in different ways. We all have our own story. But guess what! We have a choice who gets to be in the book...who gets a part in our story. We are the director of our play. We choose who is the lead role - we choose who is most important - we choose the hero, the heroine, the poor, the lost, the found, the needed - we choose it all.
So here is another photo to sum up my last thoughts....
So we have all been hurt.
We review the past so we do not mess up the future.
We should not review the past and be scared to live a future. - Yours Truly
However, choose whether to turn the page and keep someone in that story - or completely close the book and start over.
The last year, I have found myself stuck between turing the page and closing the book completely. I have consistently re-read my book/my story over and over and over again. It is as if I am stuck holding the pen mid-air waiting to write something next...to write the next chapter - when I read this silly little photo. It is not time to write a next chapter. It is time to close the darn book. To mark a BIG fat "THE END" in that book and start a new one. I will never be able to start a new book, if I can't stop re-reading the last chapter in the story that is clearly over.
What chapter do you need to end? Do you have a book you need to close? Why do you keep re-reading the last chapter? Create your story. Choose your characters you want in your book and get rid of the others. Close the chapter or even better, close the book and allow God to take the pen from your hand. Allow Him to intervene as He see fits and quit pressuring yourself.
And as always,
Let Go and Let God.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Nana - The Fashionista
As I begin my much harder-than-expected search for a full time job - I find myself constantly comparing myself to my Nana. No, that is not a bad thing. :)
I have been told my whole life that I am just like her. I dress like her, look at people like her, sometimes (and I mean only sometimes) ;) do I have the attitude like her. Mom even noticed I put on my lipstick in the same fashion! There have been many moments in my life where my mom has told me "oh my gosh, I am living with my mother all over again!" I have never ever taken offense to it either, I love that compliment. If I would be compared to anyone, I do not mind being compared to that fashionista grandmother of mine.
She had coal black hair with a grey streak in it just like Cruella Deville. Nana always was caught wearing the latest Nieman Marcus fashions with her stiletto heels right up until she went to be home with Jesus. She was the woman that turned everyone's heads when she walked down the street. Vallee Wafer Clinksales sported the latest faux furs, fashionable scarves, heels, fur coats, pendants, costume jewelry and much much more! Somehow, she even made smoking look glamorous!!
I remember her now only through few vivid memories, being told I am just like her, and through pictures. A few of my favorite memories I have of her was when she would polish my fingernails. We would sit at the nearest table and she would always polish my small fingernails a bright red or pink. Who knew she would have a life-long impact on my life in feminine fashion! One of my favorite things to do was getting to go over to her house (when we were in Texas to visit) and raiding her high heels closet as a young girl. I would always beg for her to give me some "lips" as well (my code word for lipstick). She would let me get all dolled up in her heels, huge clip on earrings, lipstick and nails done. I was a hottie for sure at age 5 when I visited Nana. :)
My fondest moments with her was at the end of the night. We would go to Texas for Thanksgivings and or Christmas and always spent time together. When we did, you'd bet you could find me at her house when it was bed time. Silk sheets! C'mon, who else has silk sheets and a huge bed to cuddle with their Nana in?! Anyway, it was my favorite part of the night because my high-strung/energy filled/go get em/ fashionista Nana stripped all of her glamor off with soap and a wash rag. She would slowly take off her make up and at the same time, it was as if I saw the business/fashionista Nana wash away as the bubbles ran down the drain of the sink. I watched that part of her wash away and watched her turn into a loving woman known as my favorite part of Nana. I even idolized the way she took her make up off (HAHA). I would climb on a little stool beside her at the his/her sinks and wash my face the same way.
After we washed we would hurry and race into her silk sheeted bed. We would climb in and she would tuck me in all special, kiss my forehead (I always giggled because I did not have to wipe away her ruby red lipstick like I did during the day time), and she would pray with me. We would pray for anything and anyone I wanted to until we fell asleep. That's the side of Nana that I will carry with me until the day I die. She prayed the best prayers ever. Nana showed me what it was like to pray as if you were talking to your best friend. She showed me that God was just my Daddy who loved me. He already knows everything about me, but praying for other people always helped remind Him and US that we NEED HIM. <3 ;) To this day, when I pray, I sometimes find myself saying "Hi, Nana!" as if she can hear me and see my smile I send to her. I hope she looks on my life from time to time and is darn proud of the woman I have become, the struggles I have overcame, and is proud to call me her fashionista granddaughter :) I think I am picking up just where she beautifully left off!!!
No matter what job I take, no matter how much I get paid, no matter what fancy clothes or make up I wear, no matter what name-brand hand bag I may own someday. . . my heart is like hers. We love the Lord and put family first. People need to be able to be themselves. Nana was a fashionista and one day I hope to be half as glamorous as she was known to be, inside and out!!!
I have been told my whole life that I am just like her. I dress like her, look at people like her, sometimes (and I mean only sometimes) ;) do I have the attitude like her. Mom even noticed I put on my lipstick in the same fashion! There have been many moments in my life where my mom has told me "oh my gosh, I am living with my mother all over again!" I have never ever taken offense to it either, I love that compliment. If I would be compared to anyone, I do not mind being compared to that fashionista grandmother of mine.
She had coal black hair with a grey streak in it just like Cruella Deville. Nana always was caught wearing the latest Nieman Marcus fashions with her stiletto heels right up until she went to be home with Jesus. She was the woman that turned everyone's heads when she walked down the street. Vallee Wafer Clinksales sported the latest faux furs, fashionable scarves, heels, fur coats, pendants, costume jewelry and much much more! Somehow, she even made smoking look glamorous!!
I remember her now only through few vivid memories, being told I am just like her, and through pictures. A few of my favorite memories I have of her was when she would polish my fingernails. We would sit at the nearest table and she would always polish my small fingernails a bright red or pink. Who knew she would have a life-long impact on my life in feminine fashion! One of my favorite things to do was getting to go over to her house (when we were in Texas to visit) and raiding her high heels closet as a young girl. I would always beg for her to give me some "lips" as well (my code word for lipstick). She would let me get all dolled up in her heels, huge clip on earrings, lipstick and nails done. I was a hottie for sure at age 5 when I visited Nana. :)
My fondest moments with her was at the end of the night. We would go to Texas for Thanksgivings and or Christmas and always spent time together. When we did, you'd bet you could find me at her house when it was bed time. Silk sheets! C'mon, who else has silk sheets and a huge bed to cuddle with their Nana in?! Anyway, it was my favorite part of the night because my high-strung/energy filled/go get em/ fashionista Nana stripped all of her glamor off with soap and a wash rag. She would slowly take off her make up and at the same time, it was as if I saw the business/fashionista Nana wash away as the bubbles ran down the drain of the sink. I watched that part of her wash away and watched her turn into a loving woman known as my favorite part of Nana. I even idolized the way she took her make up off (HAHA). I would climb on a little stool beside her at the his/her sinks and wash my face the same way.
After we washed we would hurry and race into her silk sheeted bed. We would climb in and she would tuck me in all special, kiss my forehead (I always giggled because I did not have to wipe away her ruby red lipstick like I did during the day time), and she would pray with me. We would pray for anything and anyone I wanted to until we fell asleep. That's the side of Nana that I will carry with me until the day I die. She prayed the best prayers ever. Nana showed me what it was like to pray as if you were talking to your best friend. She showed me that God was just my Daddy who loved me. He already knows everything about me, but praying for other people always helped remind Him and US that we NEED HIM. <3 ;) To this day, when I pray, I sometimes find myself saying "Hi, Nana!" as if she can hear me and see my smile I send to her. I hope she looks on my life from time to time and is darn proud of the woman I have become, the struggles I have overcame, and is proud to call me her fashionista granddaughter :) I think I am picking up just where she beautifully left off!!!
No matter what job I take, no matter how much I get paid, no matter what fancy clothes or make up I wear, no matter what name-brand hand bag I may own someday. . . my heart is like hers. We love the Lord and put family first. People need to be able to be themselves. Nana was a fashionista and one day I hope to be half as glamorous as she was known to be, inside and out!!!
You never know what her life is really like, until you spend a day in her heels.
My Nana taught me how to love viciously, hold on to my precious momma like there is no tomorrow, dress sassy but classy, stay true to my heart, and always put God first.
Monday, September 24, 2012
No Make-up Mondays
No Make-up Monday is simply an idea made up by me. Has a nice ring to it, but has so much more meaning than just what it seems.
True Beauty comes from the inside. Every single girl in this world is beautiful in her own unique way. Every girl is the only girl who can be her. If that makes sense. No one else can be me and I can't be you. So why not
The View: A few girls asked me if I saw The View episode where none of them work make up or fancy clothes. Yes, I did. But that is not where nor why I started this. The View was a great way to express that beauty isn't only skin deep. Beauty comes from the inside out. It beams through your eyes regardless of how much make up you might plaster on in the mornings. I love this photo the producers caught mid-action the day they recorded their episode:
Thoughts. . . comments . . . .suggestions?!
Let me know if you're going to join the movement.
True Beauty comes from the inside. Every single girl in this world is beautiful in her own unique way. Every girl is the only girl who can be her. If that makes sense. No one else can be me and I can't be you. So why not
be bold. be you. be undoubtedly you.
As soon as I posted a photo of me without any make up on
facebook and twitter - it blew up with comments encouraging me that I
looked beautiful/pretty/good with out it. It was so funny because when I
post a photo that I think I look good in, no one hits the "like" button
or says any sweet nothings on it. However, the second I post a photo
that I take of myself without make-up...suddenly the comments flow in. TRY IT!
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First photo I ever uploaded to share my No Make-up Monday Movement |
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Best Friend Joanna and I rocking no make up from states apart |
The View: A few girls asked me if I saw The View episode where none of them work make up or fancy clothes. Yes, I did. But that is not where nor why I started this. The View was a great way to express that beauty isn't only skin deep. Beauty comes from the inside out. It beams through your eyes regardless of how much make up you might plaster on in the mornings. I love this photo the producers caught mid-action the day they recorded their episode:
You can also view a few clips from this website: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/10/the-talk-no-makeup_n_1872001.html
I also adore this site: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2009/04/30/french-elle-stars-without-makeup/ If you love fashion and the stars you will enjoy the photos from there too.
Dove: Dove also does a magical job at showing true beauty. They focus more on body image than no make up per-say, but I still adore them for their efforts! http://www.dove.us/Social-Mission/campaign-for-real-beauty.aspx
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Make up is meant to enhance natural beauty, not cover it up. |
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Freckles? ROCK EM! |
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All girls/all ages/all shapes and sizes...beautiful |
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You say you are too old to do MakeUp Mondays?!?! |
What I want girls to realize: Make up does not make you beautiful. We are preached to all the time about beauty is only skin deep. WRONG!
Beauty comes from the inside!! It beams from your eyes,
your actions, your mannerisms, and your beliefs.
your actions, your mannerisms, and your beliefs.
The outside merely covers up what you have to offer the world. It breaks my heart when I see young 12 year old girls with caked on make up. It even upsets me when I see young 20(ish) year olds with caked on makeup. Caked on make up is not beautiful. I will not stay on the soap box for long, but I am trying to start a movement....
NO MAKE UP MONDAYS. To build awareness that it is not about make up.
Even if you have to work that day in a professional setting (at a job, school, presentation), nowhere does it state that you have to wear make up.
- Make up covers up, for one day a week, take it off.
- Let your face breathe, see how and if people treat you differently.
- Record who treats you differently and why.
- Be an example for all to see and even invite your friends to #jointhemovement.
- Find your own personal reason to do this so it becomes intimate for you - it becomes something you are passionate about as well.
- If we get enough interest I would love to see campuses everywhere with shirts that say "No Make up Mondays..." and on the back . . . "Beauty isn't only skin deep."
Thoughts. . . comments . . . .suggestions?!
Let me know if you're going to join the movement.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Mini DIY projects
Bottom photo:
Left: 2" ribbon with all of your flower clip ins and jeweled hair clips. Great idea so you can actually see everything you have. One of my biggest problems is I just forget what I have/too lazy to go digging through my drawer! Easy way to access your items that will jazz up your do!
Top right: little black dress hooks I purchased from hobby lobby. I pinned to on my wall to hold hair elastic/circular head bands. Easy fix for access and viewing purposes!
Bottom right: find a cute cup around your house that has a wide enough brim to hold half of your hardband headbands! Stick half inside and let the other half hang out! You could also cover then easily with a hand towel if you'd like to cover from dusties! It also makes for cute decoration!
Need cute ideas and having a hard time deciding what to pick?! Use the new piccollage app to help you decide. When trying to figure out what fabric to use for dresses I used it to choose my favorite. Check out the photo! :) download the app and start playing!
Left: 2" ribbon with all of your flower clip ins and jeweled hair clips. Great idea so you can actually see everything you have. One of my biggest problems is I just forget what I have/too lazy to go digging through my drawer! Easy way to access your items that will jazz up your do!
Top right: little black dress hooks I purchased from hobby lobby. I pinned to on my wall to hold hair elastic/circular head bands. Easy fix for access and viewing purposes!
Bottom right: find a cute cup around your house that has a wide enough brim to hold half of your hardband headbands! Stick half inside and let the other half hang out! You could also cover then easily with a hand towel if you'd like to cover from dusties! It also makes for cute decoration!
Need cute ideas and having a hard time deciding what to pick?! Use the new piccollage app to help you decide. When trying to figure out what fabric to use for dresses I used it to choose my favorite. Check out the photo! :) download the app and start playing!
Tips for Chiks
I am glad you stopped by my blog! I have meant to write numerous times and then I do not publish what I write because sometimes I find my writings to be a little bit too “bare.” = ]
Today I just wanted to write a few little Tips For Chiks!
Here you have them in no special order whatsoever:
Tips for Chiks!
- The Smell Goods - Spray your perfume on places with hair. The perfume
sticks to the hair follicles longer and you will notice you smell like your
choice of spritz longer than you normally do. If you shave your arms like many
do, you can always just apply lotion to your arms and then spray it onto the
wet lotion. It will help absorb and stay on the skin longer as well!
- Tights/Leggings – let’s face it….they are see through! I felt bad walking behind two girls on campus earlier this week and saw their matching pink panties as they walked to class side by side. If you are in doubt, have a girlfriend check you before you hit outdoors. Not only have them check indoors, but go into sunlight and bend over just to make sure. No body wants to see a little crack or your panties – SORRY! = ]
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Rated PG 13 and trashy. |
- Trendy Hair - If you wear the classy sock bun, do it classy. No need to trash it up. It is a sophisticated look that should be worn properly.
- Colors – colors are in this fall. So bright colors are still okay for the fall just not white pants/shoes. You can keep wearing your lovely little colored denim, non-see-through leggings and bright shoes! The spring trend is here to stay for the fall.
- Black – black is always classy, unless your blacks do not match. If you have a faded black shirt and new black slacks, when you pair them together. . . guess what?! It is obvious! Do not try to make different shades of black work – it won’t! Simple solution: wear black with a nice pair of denim and your black slacks with a dark classic grey, or any other color of the rainbow for that matter! Just not another shade of black – not okay.
- Black & Brown are officially colors you CAN mix! I get it, some of you still hate it. I have hated it forever, but once I purchased my new boots that have brown and black mixed. . . I think I am going to start the black and brown trend. It is classy and I believe it will stay a classic look. So when you see people on campus with black shoes and a brown belt – do not shun them, they just have not mastered the correct use of the black and brown fashion-forward look.
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Black and Brown = Chic |
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Adorable Fall look that I am sure you already have in your closet! It is finally legal to pair them all together. I will finally have to try mixing my dark colors finally! |
- Dresses and tennis shoes – never meant to go together. The other day on campus I saw a pink polo dress sported with big ole clunky orange shocks with black socks. GIRLFRIEND. . . do you own a mirror? It is not about picking someone apart – it is a matter of wanting to fix her in order to make her more confident. It is amazing what the right pair of shoes could have done to totally change her look from drab to fab.
- Toms VS Vans – I love the adorable new grey and purple low vans. However, I am a TOMS fan all the way. Due to the one for one movement. You buy a shoe and another pair gets given to a child who needs a pair of shoes. If you do not know what I am talking about. . . check it out! http://www.toms.com/our-movement/
I own these two and I love them!
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Destination - Christmas present from a friend! |
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Classic Grey |
- BRA STRAPS – one of my biggest pet peeves. When I see a girl who’s is trying to be fashionable yet her bra straps along with tank top straps are hanging all over the place – not the thing to do. There is a cheap and quick fix: Bra stays. You can find them at Walmart, Walgreens, Target – basically anywhere you can find things from info-commercials.
They make you look classy and hide the mess! INVEST!
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You can purchase in clear, white, black, grey - I am sure there are more colors. Those are just the colors I own in my bra drawer! |
- Short shorts – I know that these high-waisted shorts are in-style right now. I am not a fan, however they are adorable on the right people and when they are worn appropriately. Nothing is worse than seeing a girl decked out adorably then have her turn around and the bottom of her booty cheeks are hanging out. YUCK!
- Hair covering eyeballs – isn’t it annoying when you are talking to someone and all they are doing is tossing their head to the side to get their bangs out of their eyeballs? Some girls even purposely place long strands of hair in their face. Some people say it’s a low confidence issue. I say, get your hair out of your face!!! Let people see your beautiful eyes and face structure! Do not hide behind your hair!! = ] You are the only you – so let your face be seen!
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I hope you enjoyed your read! Maybe you got a laugh out of it, loved some pointers/new ideas or completely disagreed with some of the points I made in my Tips for Chiks. . . what ever the case may be - leave comments below!
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