Friday, November 30, 2012

Moving on. . . it is a CHOICE

Someone always has something to say when it comes to moving on past a relationship.
 "You deserve better"     "quit looking back at the past!"     "You'll be better off without them"    "in the end you will see it is a blessing you are not together."    - We probably have heard some version or another of these phrases. 

They are all great advice if given at the right time. However, it is up to the individual to either cling to the past or understand there is a future and life does go on. . . 

When you were younger it seemed like the world was ending if your best friend didn't sit by you at lunch, Or the boy you had a crush on played footsie with a different girl, Or in high school, you thought your world was ending when the person who consistently hurt you was viewed as the coolest person in school. We have all been in some type of situation that we thought that it was the worst thing ever! Following the hurt usually comes something told to us by a loved one to make us feel better.

......what I have learned: You can not force someone to feel better. It is a choice. Each and every day. When you roll out of bed, it is a choice to have a good day or a bad day.
You have a choice to decide who is in your life and who is not.
You have a choice to make a difference.
You have a choice to decide what you are going to do with yourself that day whether it is to be a lazy bum or a work-aholic in school, work or gym. 
You have a choice to acknowledge everyday why you are better off with out that person in your life.... is your choice

This photo I think pretty much sums it up what I am trying to say:

Amen little photo. Amen. You can not move on, or expect yourself to be ready to move on to the next chapter of your life if you are consistently reminiscing in the past. If you are constantly comparing old to new and never letting anything new completely into your life-you won't ever learn of anything different than what let you down in the first place. It is like picking a scab. You have to decide to stop picking at it so it can heal - or keep picking at it and always have a sore.

The mumbo-jumbo about being "scared" and "having trust issues" is a crazy. We all are scared. We ALL have trust issues. That's the kind of sick world we live in. It is sad, but something we must come to terms with. We have ALL been hurt whether it is because you have never felt good enough about yourself because you have NEVER been in a relationship OR if you have been in twenty relationships and every other person cheated on you OR if you thought someone was "THE ONE" and they turn out not to be....we have all been hurt in different ways. We all have our own story. But guess what! We have a choice who gets to be in the book...who gets a part in our story. We are the director of our play. We choose who is the lead role - we choose who is most important -  we choose the hero, the heroine, the poor, the lost, the found, the needed - we choose it all.

So here is another photo to sum up my last thoughts....

So we have all been hurt.  
We review the past so we do not mess up the future.  
We should not review the past and be scared to live a future. - Yours Truly

However, choose whether to turn the page and keep someone in that story - or completely close the book and start over.

The last year, I have found myself stuck between turing the page and closing the book completely. I have consistently re-read my book/my story over and over and over again. It is as if I am stuck holding the pen mid-air waiting to write something write the next chapter - when I read this silly little photo.  It is not time to write a next chapter. It is time to close the darn book. To mark a BIG fat "THE END" in that book and start a new one. I will never be able to start a new book, if I can't stop re-reading the last chapter in the story that is clearly over.

What chapter do you need to end? Do you have a book you need to close? Why do you keep re-reading the last chapter? Create your story. Choose your characters you want in your book and get rid of the others.  Close the chapter or even better, close the book and allow God to take the pen from your hand. Allow Him to intervene as He see fits and quit pressuring yourself. 

And as always,

Let Go and Let God.